Trailblazer Leadership Academy: The Magic of the First Step
Thursday, February 25, 2021 3pm to 4pm
About this Event
Initiative and responsibility are two characteristics that employees are evaluated on by their employers. Learn the magic of taking the first step through methods often taught to Disney employees.
If you are interested in boosting your leadership skills, the Trailblazer Leadership Academy is for you! The Trailblazer Leadership Academy is weekly leadership program featuring a variety of leadership topics and speakers.
Students who complete the program will learn valuable new skills, network with professionals in a variety of fields, and make new friends. Students will be recognized at the end of the semester with a Digital Leadership Certificate, recognized at the bi-annual leadership conference LEADER-CON in April, and receive TCC Leadership gifts. Participating in the Trailblazer Leadership Academy is a great way to become a marketable and competitive individual in the workforce! Each week is a new topic.
To locate the schedule and to view the topics, speakers, and the links to participate, visit Trailblazer Leadership Academy. *Must use your email to view information.
Each session will be held twice in one week. Wednesdays from 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. and Thursdays from 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Select the session time that works for you!
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